When the cartilage cushioning your joints are deteriorating faster than they should, you have osteoarthritis. This medical condition manifests in painful swelling of the joints. As a practicing ortho doctor in coimbatore, food habit changes is the first thing I advice all my patients with osteoarthritis.
Because osteoarthritis is considered an inflammatory medical condition, some things can make it even worse. These include certain foods that could further cause inflammation in your body. We’re here to tell you some of the worse foods for osteoarthritis.
Some common foods like red meat and egg yolk are rich in omega-6 fatty acids. Harvard Medical School reported that eating less of these foods can help keep your osteoarthritis on a down low.
There are delicious choices with omega-3, such as soy, walnuts, and salmon. These are all good protein sources.
It might seem too restricting to avoid these foods, but it should assure you to know that these avoiding these foods have other health benefits. Removing these from your diet can help you be more fit and even maintain your proper weight.
Losing excess weight can also help your osteoarthritis by relieving strain and pressure on your joints. If you would like to know more, it is best to consult your doctor.
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