And welcome to One Care Medical Center, an international ortho hospital in Coimbatore. My name is Dr. Salam and I am a full time practicing orthopedic surgeon in Coimbatore.
In this post, we are going to discuss on the different types of arthritis. Lets briefly look at them below
A large proportion of individuals end up developing osteoarthritis, it is caused by joint wear and tears due to overuse as well as increasing age.
Common joints that are affected include the hip, knee, and spine. The body loses cartilage (the shock absorbers of the body) with increasing age.
A good example would be the knee joint that undergoes progressive wear and tear, with increasing age.
In rheumatoid arthritis, the bodies immune system attacks the bodies joint. This results in inflammation and joint swelling. 1 out of 5 people also develop lumps in their skin and these are called rheumatoid nodules.
No one knows the exact cause of RA, all we do know is that, the bodies immune system gets confused and attacks the joints.
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